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Showing posts from 2015

The pause of a cancelled day

My husband stumbles through wearing 10-year-old sleeping shorts and a pilled tee, boldly lettered with "mega van family fun" alongside a HUGE minivan print.  Trailing behind him is a sleepy mushy-haired 4yo ,  a 2yo grumbling for "bottie milk" and a went-to-bed-in-my-school-clothes 7yo , who is dressed for the day, although somewhat rumpled.  Everyone had overslept, our two big girls are, in fact, still sleeping. ....and it is admittedly all my fault.  I had woken up at the crack of dawn and crept out of bed to write.    The stillness had been so tangible, the soft sleepy noises so lulling .... That instead of waking them all up at our usual mad-rush-get-ready-for-school deadline time ,  I had paused and decided on a whim to cancel the day.  Today is going to be schedule-free. No school, no errands, no agenda. I shoo the sleepy-heads back to bed, no protests from a single one.  I'm planning to crawl back under the covers myself and enjoy the l